Twelve Impossibles

Translated from Serbian into English by Edward Alexander. Serbian original was itself, in the part of the stories themselves, translation from modern Arabic language.
Full compilation of 12 modern Arabic short stories by 9 authors known as rebellious from 7 Arab countries.
Each story is followed by a translator’s essay on the author, his/her work and the problems (s)he, or the editor of his/her book or the editorial board of the periodical that published the story encountered with the official authorities because of that very story.
The thirteenth story (Post Scriptum) is a translator’s afterword on modern Arab literature, censorship and cultural politics in the Arab world today.
Pages: 122

ISBN 978-619-90316-1-2
Published in cooperation between the European Cultural Foundation and the Next Page Foundation.




12 Impossibles Contents 12 Impossibles Preface

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